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How to Disable the File Extension Change Warning on macOS

Have you ever encountered this pop-up when trying to change a file extension?

Are you sure you want to change the extension from “.txt” to “.md”?

If you make this change, your document may open in a different application.

This warning can be helpful, but if you frequently change file extensions and find it unnecessary, you can easily disable it. There are two ways to do this: via the GUI (Graphical User Interface) or the CLI (Command Line Interface).

Disable via GUI

  1. Open the Finder
  2. In the menu bar, go to Finder > Settings…
  3. Click on the Advanced tab.
  4. Uncheck “Show warning before changing an extension

Disable via CLI (Terminal)

If you prefer using the command line, you can disable the warning using Terminal commands.

Disable the Warning

defaults write "FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning" -bool "true" && killall Finder

Enable the Warning Again

defaults write "FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning" -bool "true" && killall Finder

Check the Current Setting

defaults read "FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning"

Reset to Default

defaults delete "FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning" && killall Finder

For more defaults commands, check out:

Now you can change file extensions freely without interruptions! 🚀

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iPhone Development Helper: Fill up your Address Book

AddressBookFill is a simple application which populates your address book with contacts. This is useful when developing for the iPhone and working on the emulator.

On many occasions, I’ve spent quite a bit of time adding contacts to the emulator to test something. Then when I change emulator version, they all get erased. This is very frustrating. So I put together this simple application which allow you to programatically fill up your address book.

Currenly the address book is populated with U.S. Presidents. Values are set for:
* first name
* last name
* photo
* phone number
* birthday

I’ll make it more robust in the future. But you may find this useful for now. The code might also be interesting if you’re learning how to program the address book.

Download: addressbookfill-10.tar.gz

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ASIHTTPRequest – Uploading Photos

Recently I used ASIHTTPRequest to upload images and other data from an iPhone application to a web server. I search around and looked at all the different options and this was best and easiest to use. It’s open source and comes with lots of good examples. I was particularly impressed with the network queue.

The one thing I did not find, was sample code for was posting an image to a server. Here is some sample code:

// Initilize Queue
[networkQueue setUploadProgressDelegate:statusProgressView];
[networkQueue setRequestDidFinishSelector:@selector(imageRequestDidFinish:)];
[networkQueue setQueueDidFinishSelector:@selector(imageQueueDidFinish:)];
[networkQueue setRequestDidFailSelector:@selector(requestDidFail:)];
[networkQueue setShowAccurateProgress:true];
[networkQueue setDelegate:self];

// Initilize Variables
NSURL *url;
ASIFormDataRequest * request;

// Add Image
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,
NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *dataPath = [documentsDirectory

// Get Image
NSData *imageData = [[[NSData alloc]
initWithContentsOfFile:dataPath] autorelease];

// Return if there is no image
if(imageData != nil){
url = [NSURL URLWithString:@”http://myserver/upload.php”];
request = [[[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];
[request setPostValue:@”myImageName” forKey:@”name”];
[request setData:imageData forKey:@”file”];
[request setDidFailSelector:@selector(requestWentWrong:)];
[request setTimeOutSeconds:500];
[networkQueue addOperation:request];
[networkQueue go];

Note: It’s not necessary to use a queue here because I’m only uploading 1 thing. But in my application I’m uploading many things and a queue was helpful. It also runs in the asynchronously in the background, which prevents the UI from getting locked up.

Note 2: When sending large files you should use “setFile” instead of “setData”. Files are then read from disk instead of memory. Here is an updated example. Thanks again to Ben Copsey for this library and his useful comments below.

NSString *imagePath = [documentsDirectory
url = [NSURL URLWithString:@”http://myserver/upload.php”];
ASIFormDataRequest *request =
[[[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];
[request setPostValue:@”myImageName” forKey:@”name”];
[request setFile:imagePath forKey:@”photo”];

More info on streaming here:

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How To Rename an iPhone XCode Project

I recent created a new iPhone XCode project based off of one of the samples provided by Apple. Beause of this the XCode project was called AppleSample.xcodeproj and it built an app called I wanted to rename the project and give it my own name. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Here are some instructions which are based off some instructions I found here (

  • Copy/rename the folder into new name
  • Get inside the new folder and rename the .pch and .xcodeproj files. Example rename AppleSample.xcodeproj to MyCoolApp.xcodeproj — and — rename AppleSamplePrefix.pch to MyCoolApp_Prefix.pch
  • Delete the build folder. (Using the finder)
  • Open .xcodeproj file in text editor, like TextMate or TextWrangler. That’s actually a folder, which contains 4 files (you can also right-click and do Show package contents, which will reveal the files)
  • Open project.pbxproj in text editor and replace all instances of the old name with the new name. Be careful not to do a find an replace. Since the default name was AppleSample, there were several references to: AppleSampleAppDelegate.h and AppleSampleAppDelegate.m. You do not want to replace these unless you also rename that file.
  • Open .pbxuser where is your user name. Then repeat the previous step by renaming. I’m not sure if this is necessary. You may even be able to delete this file? But changing this file worked for me.
  • Load the project file in XCode, do Build/Clean all targets

After following these steps, I was able to open the project and build it to the simulator and the device.

I had one additional problem that I came across later that required a fix. When I finially built the application for “deployment” to the App Store, I had problems signing the code. I complained that it couldn’t find the Certificate for “Scott Anguish”. I looked in the build settings and couldn’t find reference to this name. So again I opened project.pbxproj inside of MyCoolApp.xcodeproj and found 2 instances of this line:

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = “Scott Anguish”;

I replaced both of them with the correct code signing identity and it worked!

UPDATE: Check out this bash script which does it for you automatically:

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MacOSX user Disappeared & Restored

The other day, I opened my MacBook Pro a few hours after closing the lid and putting it to sleep.  It wouldn’t wake from sleep.  I tried several things to get it to try and wake up, but had no success.  This has happened a couple times in the past, and I usually just hold down the power key to restart it.  So that is what I did.

When it started back up and loaded the login page, I noticed something strange, my user was missing.  I have 4 user’s registered on my computer and now only 3 of them were showing.  So I logged in as one of the other users who an admin.

Upon login, I could see that my user’s account still existed on disk:  /Users/doug  When I went to the System Preferences, I did not list my user.  I wasn’t sure what was wrong.

I began searching through the file system and found there is a file for each user in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/  Example:


I opened up doug.plist and found that it was a binary file.  I could read some of the text in there and saw some mention of “Kernel” and other thing that suggested a stacktrace or dump.  I opened up the plist for another user and found that it was standard XML.  

So I copied the doug.plist from my Time Machine backup and replaced it with the one on my laptop.  I rebooted and my account was restored.

I’m not exactly sure what happened, but the moral of the store is:

  1. Create a Time Machine Backup
  2. Have at least one other Admin user on your computer you can login to if all fails.
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