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Category: iOS

Distribution Provisioning Profile not showing up

I recently spent about 2 hours trying to get my Distribution Provisioning Profile to show up. I followed the instructions and did everything, but still it would not show up.

Then I came across this thread:

The first suggestion was to create a new project. I created a new project and my Distribution Provisioning profile appeared in it. Then I went back to my main project and it appeared there too. Problem solved!

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Open Link in Safari

Here some sample code showing you how to open a link in Safari when clicked on in your UIWebView. The method shouldStartLoadWithRequest is a delegate method that is called when a link is clicked on. You can override the method and tell it to open in Safari.

– (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView
shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType; {

NSURL *requestURL = [ [ request URL ] retain ];
// Check to see what protocol/scheme the requested URL is.
if ( ( [ [ requestURL scheme ] isEqualToString: @”http” ]
|| [ [ requestURL scheme ] isEqualToString: @”https” ] )
&& ( navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked ) ) {
return ![ [ UIApplication sharedApplication ] openURL: [ requestURL autorelease ] ];
// Auto release
[ requestURL release ];
// If request url is something other than http or https it will open
// in UIWebView. You could also check for the other following
// protocols: tel, mailto and sms
return YES;
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iPhone App: KQED Daily Schedule

My first iPhone application was posted on the Apple App Store today.  The KQED Daily Schedule

 I’m always interested in what is currently playing on KQED, my local NPR affiliate.  So I created an application that download the Radio and TV schedule and diplays it on the iPhone.  It tells you the program, time, description if available and link to more information.  I hope you enjoy it.    You can download it for FREE from the App Store here:

More info and screenshots can be found on the iPhone App Page

This application is not affiliated with KQED.  It uses RSS feeds provided by KQED  ( and NPR ( to create an iPhone experience.

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How To Rename an iPhone XCode Project

I recent created a new iPhone XCode project based off of one of the samples provided by Apple. Beause of this the XCode project was called AppleSample.xcodeproj and it built an app called I wanted to rename the project and give it my own name. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Here are some instructions which are based off some instructions I found here (

  • Copy/rename the folder into new name
  • Get inside the new folder and rename the .pch and .xcodeproj files. Example rename AppleSample.xcodeproj to MyCoolApp.xcodeproj — and — rename AppleSamplePrefix.pch to MyCoolApp_Prefix.pch
  • Delete the build folder. (Using the finder)
  • Open .xcodeproj file in text editor, like TextMate or TextWrangler. That’s actually a folder, which contains 4 files (you can also right-click and do Show package contents, which will reveal the files)
  • Open project.pbxproj in text editor and replace all instances of the old name with the new name. Be careful not to do a find an replace. Since the default name was AppleSample, there were several references to: AppleSampleAppDelegate.h and AppleSampleAppDelegate.m. You do not want to replace these unless you also rename that file.
  • Open .pbxuser where is your user name. Then repeat the previous step by renaming. I’m not sure if this is necessary. You may even be able to delete this file? But changing this file worked for me.
  • Load the project file in XCode, do Build/Clean all targets

After following these steps, I was able to open the project and build it to the simulator and the device.

I had one additional problem that I came across later that required a fix. When I finially built the application for “deployment” to the App Store, I had problems signing the code. I complained that it couldn’t find the Certificate for “Scott Anguish”. I looked in the build settings and couldn’t find reference to this name. So again I opened project.pbxproj inside of MyCoolApp.xcodeproj and found 2 instances of this line:

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = “Scott Anguish”;

I replaced both of them with the correct code signing identity and it worked!

UPDATE: Check out this bash script which does it for you automatically:

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XCode 3 Debugger and Screenshots

I’ve been doing some iPhone development with XCode recently and had problems using the debugger on the device (not the simulator) and also with taking screenshots.

When installing an application on to the device, the debugger would say:

"Failed to start remote debugserver for"

I search around looking for a solution. In a thread somewhere, someone suggested reinstalling the SDK from scratch. I had first installed the SDK about a year ago when it came out. I then installed several updates over it. For whatever reason, that cause problems.

After reinstalling the latest SDK from Apple website, the debugger worked perfectly! And I was able to take screenshots from the device.

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