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Category: Apple

iTerm crashing on launch

I’ve recently been using iTerm on the Mac. I was happily using it, until it started crashing on launch. After searching around on the internet, I finally figure out what is wrong. The issue occurred because I was using an external display. When not connected to the external display the app would crash.

I found details in this bug here:

There are 2 easy ways to solve this problem.

1. In the normal terminal type:

defaults delete net.sourceforge.iTerm "NSWindow Frame iTerm Window 0"

2. Open ~/Library/Preferences/net.sourceforge.iTerm.plist and removed the following entry:
NSWindow Frame iTerm Window 0:

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Buying an Apple Product

Apple is very secretive about it’s products and releases. This makes it very difficult to know if it’s a good time to buy a particular Apple product.

To aid you in your decision, has a Buyer’s Guide. This guide lists the release history of each product and gives a recommendation as to if now is a good time to buy or not.

If you’re looking to buy a new mac, iphone, monitor, etc.. this guide should be your first stop.

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