While working on a new Xcode project, I was unable to get my crash logs on Crashlytics . In the Crashlytics dashboard, I would see the following error:
"Found 1 unsymbolicated crash from missing dSYMs in 1 version in the last 24 hours"
Crashlytics even had a page dedicated to this: All about Missing dSYMs.
In my case the issue was with bitcode being enabled, which it is by default on all new iOS Projects. When bitcode is enabled, Apple recompiles your project on their server. Then you need to download the dSYMS to your computer and upload them to Crashlytics. This is a manual process that takes a lot of time. I was dreading doing this a second time after figuring out the process.
I figured this is something that fastlane might be able to help me with. Sure enough, they’ve come up with a lane to automate this. You can read more about it here:
Simply add this to your Fastfile:
lane :refresh_dsyms do
download_dsyms # Download dSYM files from iTC
upload_symbols_to_crashlytics # Upload them to Crashlytics
clean_build_artifacts # Delete the local dSYM files
Then run it like this:
fastlane refresh_dsyms
Thanks fastlane!